Sunday 12 September 2010

My first Workshop!

Hi I am happy to say I have began to experience holding my own in a small workshop. I was contacted by a young woman hosting a "campfire" experience for medical students and allied health workers going through uni. Basically talking to them about other services and career choices they will or can make or be in contact with in the future.

I was swayed I must confess to the dinner that was being held at the Monarto Zoo and enjoying canapes with the giraffes. Not everyday a girl can enjoy that experience so I said yes.
I had three small time slots with approx 20-30 students in each to talk to.

It was a really rewarding experience and after introducing myself and giving a couple of case studies I showed them all how to give a nice hand massage. I had put together small bottles of generic body cream with a few drops of lavender essential oil to scent the cream.

Now I confess, I have been advised by my business coach, the lovely Mz Margaret Gill, if speaking to a crowd have some products on hand to sell as often the people would love a little of yourself to take home with them. I really hadn't given this much consideration when planning my afternoon but yes, you have guessed it, I was asked if I had some bottles of hand cream they could purchase. The scent in the bottles was very noticeable to them and as many were nurses with a lot of hand washing in their work, the cream was a balm to them.

Note to self, listen to my coach and implement her advice better.

I did give out vouchers and feed back forms and received great comments back on how the audience experienced the event. It does feel great when it went well.

I really enjoyed it. The experience was positive and even though when I said yes to the organizer before I was really aware of the blend of people in the audience, seems to have been a market for my launch into speaking and the new journey into coaching.

Sunday 20 June 2010

Moving from Fear to Action. Birth of a Business

One of the first actions you could take when you have a new idea is to think of a name you could call your new business. I found that this action can come easily to you and other times it takes work.
I walked five days a week and found the action of walking along side the road (without a music device) a way of finding a "quiet space" to ask myself or the universe/god the question of "What business should I do?" I did receive an answer and of course I didn't like it so I asked again. I wanted to do a business that I could have earning me money whilst I slept and if I was sick and massage was a hands on therapy. I couldn't see how this fitted with my desires. The same answer came back so I gave in and then asked "Well what shall I call my new business?" The answer of Bodysense came back and so my new business doing massage called Bodysense was formed.
The next step I could think of was to register the name. I went into the Office of Business Registration armed with the exciting prospect of this name which had been "told" to me and filled out the forms. I passed the form over and the young lady began to process it and she then returned it stating the name was too similar to another for the process to continue.
Now many people could allow this very small hiccup to stop them. I say try, try again! If the bumps in the road stop you here, you are allowing yourself to have your dreams be taken by someone else. I believe a car business (not a human body) had a name similar so I had to add more.
Bodysense By Shaz was registered. I picked Shaz so I could hid it in small print as I only wanted BODYSENSE to be noted. My sister felt 'By Sharon 'would have been better?? We can't please everyone.
I was on my way, armed with my bit of paper saying my business was registered and as I had an ABN registered in my name I could start trading.

Monday 14 June 2010

The Fear Of A New Idea.

Moving from a dream into an actual business can for many people stop right there. It stays in your head and just doesn't go any further. Others do act on that strong desire to begin that scary journey. Well I can say that you are not on your own. I was scared! I was very scared but I could use this emotion ( fear is only an emotion) to help to move me into a new life, try a new journey or let it keep me where I was. Scared, not earning what I needed to achieve my desires. I stepped out. So can you! I know it seems daunting.. it is but many have done it and so can you. I want to help people to gather your armor and help you to choose your weapons and attack your fears.
I have begun a new journey and again the fear has surfaced. I have put on a brave face as I know if young girls can face nights and days on their own in a little boat in a vast ocean I can step into the unknown with you and share my words with you.